Just when you think the Palestinian Death Cult could sink no lower, they surprise you.
They have `refined' (if that's the right word) the tactic of shielding terrorist murderers from the IDF seeking to end their activities against Israel's civilians. Contrary to what you read over the wire services, this is far from spontaneous, as the shielding is co-ordinated by the Palestinian media over the government owned radio and TV..and of course, in the mosques.
It's been a successful tactic thus far, as the Israelis are much more civilized when it comes to non-combatants than their Palestinian counterparts.
The IDF obviously cannot allow this nonsense to continue, with the Palestinians using their women and children to shield terrorists, their bases, and installations.
The first choice would be to leaflet the Palestinians en masse and let them know that any future `human shields' were participating at their own risk in any future events, and then carry on with planned strikes regardless. In doing so, the IDF would be behaving more mercifully than the Palestinians ever have.
After a couple of repetitions the `human shields' might be a little more reluctant to put themselves in harm's way for people that don't give a damn for their wellbeing and this nonsense would quickly end..albeit with the usual racist mewling screed and pictures from certain elements of the Main Stream Media, who been conspicuously missing when it comes to reporting on what Israel's civilians have been going through since Oslo.
Notice, I am talking about leafletting in a general way prior to any strikes and not about leafletting immediately prior to a strike to people on location. To do so is futile, because the terrorists will only escape in the crowd, as they did from the Mosque in Beit Lahiya last week. Send the leaflets in prior to any action, so that those who choose to participate know that they do so at their own risk.
Should the Israeli government shrink from doing this, here's a possible alternative...the Israelis should be prepared to disperse the `human shields' with tear gas, water jets, concentrated pork aerosal spray and offal. And then carry out the planned strike.
Of the two choices, I favor number one. It solves the problem much more decisively.
The Israelis have suffered over 10,000 civilian casualties since Oslo, the equivalent of well over half a million Americans, and it's high time they began treating this as the war it is. One cannnot negotiate with evil.
concentrated pork aerosal spray?!
Sadly, ff, I have to admit that personally, I don't have much faith in the leafletting method. But I'm sure it's worth trying - don't let them (them as in those "moral" peaceniks at the UN) accuse the Israel of inhumanity and indiscriminate killing of "innocent" civilians.
Though I'm sure they'll still continue to do that. It's a knee-jerk reaction, and it's too tempting to pass up.
Some reports mention that the Palestinian terror groups actually coerce their fellow civilians into being terror shields, so in effect the civilians have "no choice". Yet what they don't seem to realise is that either way, they're going to get killed. Difference is, without their tacit support for these fundamentalist scourges that claim to protect them - when in all actuality they are the cause of such instability and insecurity plaguing Palestinian civilian life - the civilians have the power to be instrumental in diffusing the appeal of these warmongerers.
What we need is the perpetuation of a consciousness among the Palestinian people: one that shakes off the yoke of psychological repression, the ideology of fatalistic resistance as the "final solution", and a strong, unshakeable belief in the peaceful coexistence of Palestinians and Israelis.
We need a revolution! But it's probably asking for too much.
concentrated pork aerosal spray?!
Sadly, ff, I have to admit that personally, I don't have much faith in the leafletting method. But I'm sure it's worth trying - don't let them (them as in those "moral" peaceniks at the UN) accuse the Israel of inhumanity and indiscriminate killing of "innocent" civilians.
Though I'm sure they'll still continue to do that. It's a knee-jerk reaction, and it's too tempting to pass up.
Some reports mention that the Palestinian terror groups actually coerce their fellow civilians into being terror shields, so in effect the civilians have "no choice". Yet what they don't seem to realise is that either way, they're going to get killed. Difference is, without their tacit support for these fundamentalist scourges that claim to protect them - when in all actuality they are the cause of such instability and insecurity plaguing Palestinian civilian life - the civilians have the power to be instrumental in diffusing the appeal of these warmongerers.
What we need is the perpetuation of a consciousness among the Palestinian people: one that shakes off the yoke of psychological repression, the ideology of fatalistic resistance as the "final solution", and a strong, unshakeable belief in the peaceful coexistence of Palestinians and Israelis.
We need a revolution! But it's probably asking for too much, no?
According to one of my contacts in the Tzahal, Israel has already developed pork concentrate and `spray cannons' for this purpose. The current government has forbidden its use.
I would likewise, if I had a say,change the way Israel treats the remains of Palestinian homicide bombers and terrorist infiltrators..rather than turning the bodies to the Palestinians, where the funerals essentially become hashid (martyr) recruiting orgies,I would bury them in pigskins and make sure th fact was known to the Palestinians.
And I'd have our marines do the same in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Hamas, Fatah, the Taliban and their ilk might have a lot more trouble recruiting.
Within reason, intimidation should work both ways. That,in fact,is how the US defeated the last Islamist insurgency it fougt. We need to remember those old lessons.
Please, explain this: http://attendingtheworld.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/palestinian-boy-as-human-shield-by-nazionists.jpg
hah hah hah! Rumel, Do you have any idea how many times I've seen that obviously photoshopped poster of 'Zionazis'? It's a perennial favorite among certain circles of Hamas groupies.
Some people will apparently believe anything, but the truth is that if anyone in the IDF did something like that to a child, he'd be severely prosecuted.
Even the UN was forced to admit that Hamas allegations of Israeli soldiers using civilians as human shields was sheer BS.
During Cast Lead, an Israeli soldier stole a credit card from an Arab house and ran up $1,200 worth of charges on it. Men in his own unit ratted on him, he was forced to make restitution, was busted in rank and spent 3 months in a military stockade.
You can imagine what they'd do to anyone who endangered a child like this?
Hamas, OTOH loves bleeders.The more photogenic the better to be shown on the BBC.
If they really cared about their kids, why would they not spend money on their welfare instead of on missiles and terrorist tunnels?
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