Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Chris Buckley and David Brooks Eat 'Moderate' Crow

Remember how 'moderate conservatives' like Chris Buckley and David Brooks unloaded on Sarah Palin and trumpeted the virtues of Barack Obama? Remmeber how Brooks called Sarah Palin 'a cancer on the party'? And how both of them yakked it up about how Obama was going to lead us into a new era?

Six weeks into the Chosen One's administration...and it looks like they've fallen out of love.

Here's Chris Buckley:

One thing is certain, however: Government is getting bigger and will stay bigger. Just remember the apothegm that a government that is big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take it all away.And remember what de Tocqueville told us about a bureaucracy that grows so profuse that not even the most original mind can penetrate it.

If this is what the American people want, so be it, but they ought to have no illusions about the perils of this approach. Mr. Obama is proposing among everything else $1 trillion in new entitlements, and entitlement programs never go away, or in the oddly poetic bureaucratic jargon, “sunset.” He is proposing $1.4 trillion in new taxes, an appetite for which was largely was whetted by the shameful excesses of American CEO corporate culture. And finally, he has proposed $5 trillion in new debt, one-half the total accumulated national debt in all US history. All in one fell swoop.

He tells us that all this is going to work because the economy is going to be growing by 3.2 percent a year from now. Do you believe that? Would you take out a loan based on that?

And here's David Brooks:

Those of us who consider ourselves moderates — moderate-conservative, in my case — are forced to confront the reality that Barack Obama is not who we thought he was. His words are responsible; his character is inspiring. But his actions betray a transformational liberalism that should put every centrist on notice. As Clive Crook, an Obama admirer, wrote in The Financial Times, the Obama budget “contains no trace of compromise. It makes no gesture, however small, however costless to its larger agenda, of a bipartisan approach to the great questions it addresses. It is a liberal’s dream of a new New Deal.”

You mean the nice man said one thing and twicked you by doing somethin' else? Waaah!

Although in Brooks' case,it's obvious he still likes th etaste of th eKool-Ade, even though what's left of his brain is telling him it's very, very bad for him - and the country.

I appreciate the mea culpa fellahs..even if it's too damned late to matter. And yes, I take it just a tad amiss that my unborn grandchildren will be paying for your stupidity.

Any idiot who actually looked at Obama's associations and his record in Chicago, in the Illinois legislature and in Washington could have predicted what an Obama Administration would be like.

So why didn't these two idiots?

More on this at Commentary, The Jawa Report, Michelle Malkin, Doug Ross, Sister Toldjah, and Hot Air.


Anonymous said...

i remember ff commentary at the time regarding the knucklehead buckley.
myself being conservative to the point of ff sometimes being ultra-liberal.
i don't see the buckley commentary as a mea culpa at all.
more like what you see is what you get comment, sort of like blaming the voters for not scratching the surface and finding out for themselves.
i do agree with the term idiots as used to describe these two.

Ymarsakar said...

Those of us who consider ourselves moderates — moderate-conservative, in my case — are forced to confront the reality that Barack Obama is not who we thought he was.

They are dupes, Rob. Tools. You can't expect them to know better. They don't exist to make informed or wise decisions. They exist for the people that have a clue. They exist to be used and discarded.

One thing is certain, however: Government is getting bigger and will stay bigger.

With wannabe "rebels" like Chris Buckley here, of course it will get bigger. The acorn fell way far from the tree in this case.

Oaks grow where Mighty ACORNS fall, and Chris put a lot of support into ACORN via Obama.

Anonymous said...

granted this is from msnbc, but this is what is being heard by those who will not hear.
nothing matters.
no one cares.
it just doesn't matter.
it is as thought they are speaking of some other country.

Anonymous said...

Any idiot who actually looked at Obama's associations and his record in Chicago, in the Illinois legislature and in Washington could have predicted what an Obama Administration would be like.

Watch how many use the excuse "hindsight is 20/20". BZZZZT, sorry. There was plenty of foresight and warnings about this inept senator from Illinois. People blatantly disregarded them and listened to his bullshit. Now we all pay the penalty.

In a more just world, we would make the voters who irresponsibly voted for Obama pay the increase in taxes of those who didn't.

What a bad joke this administration is.