And that's using polls that over sample Democrats by as much as 15%:
President Barack Obama’s approval rating is falling amid concerns about the U.S. economy and his push to revamp the U.S. health-care system, a Quinnipiac University poll shows.
Exactly half of the registered voters surveyed from July 27 to Aug. 3 by Quinnipiac said they approve of the job Obama is doing, compared with 42 percent who disapprove. That’s down from 57 percent approval and 33 percent disapproval in a poll taken in late June, according to results released today.
Americans are upset about rising unemployment and worried that health-care plans making their way through Congress will add to the U.S. budget deficit, said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Hamden, Connecticut-based polling institute. The combination has helped drive down the president’s ratings.
A “willingness to give him the benefit of the doubt is, among some voters, evaporating,” Brown told reporters in Washington yesterday.
The poll found that voters disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy by 49 percent to 45 percent. On his effort to overhaul of the health-care system, 52 percent disapprove of his handling of the issue while 39 percent approve.
It gets better. According to CNN of all places, more Americans consider Obama's presidency a failure after six months than felt that way about George W. Bush:
A rather surprising finding from the newly released CNN poll. Question three on the national survey of 1,136 adults (which includes an oversample of African-Americans) asks, "Do you consider the first six months of the Obama administration to be a success or a failure?"
Thirty-seven percent (37%) said they believe the Obama administration is a "failure," while 51% consider it a "success" and 11% say it's still "too soon to tell."
An identical question was asked of the Bush administration in an August 2001 CNN/Gallup/USA Today survey. At the time, 56% said the Bush administration was a "success" while only 32% considered it a "failure." (Link)
Rasmussen, which polls likely voters rather than registered voters and is thus more accurate has the Chosen One at 49%.
People are starting to awaken to exactly what they bought last November. Can you say buyer's remorse?
Couldn't happen to a more deserving president.
But you can't say I didn't give him a chance
1 comment:
"Buyer's remorse" eh? Oh well, at least they buyers can "sell" in late 2010. At least by voting for either Republicans or so called "blue dog" Democrats some of the ability for Mr. Obama to pass his agenda can be weakened. Then in 2012 he can be voted out of office entirely.
That is assuming the country can survive until late 2010 much less until 2012. Given the massive issues the country faces and the poor job the Government is doing in addressing them, America's survival is an iffy prospect at best. All I can say is make sure we are praying for the nation and "God help us all!!"
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