I didn't see him quite that way, although I can see where you might get that impression.
I found his analysis interesting on its face, although I might not necessarily agree with his main thesis about China attacking India.
I also found his info about China's conection with Pakistan interesting, especially given what I know about the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which has China, Russia and the neighboring 'stans as members and India, Pakistan and Iran as observers.
bharat verma comes across as somewhat a dumbass.
a hussein cheerleader.
a bush basher.
I didn't see him quite that way, although I can see where you might get that impression.
I found his analysis interesting on its face, although I might not necessarily agree with his main thesis about China attacking India.
I also found his info about China's conection with Pakistan interesting, especially given what I know about the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which has China, Russia and the neighboring 'stans as members and India, Pakistan and Iran as observers.
I've mentioned this group before.
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