The suits at ABC have a new TV show they're developing called "Good Christian Bitches"...and yes, it's exactly what it sounds like, an attack on Christian woman who are in reality "bitches."
It's based on the novel by Kim Gatlin about a woman who returns to her home town in Dallas, Texas and is savaged by the women in the city's Christian community.
It was created by “Sex and the City” and “90210” executive producer Darren Star, features the tagline “For Heaven’s sake, don’t let God get in the way of a good story!” and stars “Talladega Nights” actress Leslie Bibb who plays Amanda, the sympathetic victim of those nasty Christians.
The suits at ABC probably think they're being 'edgy' and 'courageous' with the use of the word 'bitch' and the attack on Christians in Flyover Country, rather than simply an exercise in misogyny and bigotry. I guess they think that will draw viewers.
However, if they really want to be edgy and attract attention, here's an idea. Change the setting from Dallas to Dearborn or Passaic, New Jersey and call it "Good Muslim Women" . The plot would center on Fatima, a bubbly Muslima who returns to her home town with ideas about getting rid of the hijab, dating non-Muslim men when sh efeels like it, and showing up the prejudices of her hometown co-religionists with witty byplay and cute episodes that chronicle her struggles to live independently just like any other 21st century American woman.
Talk about courageous and edgy! And it would definitely get ABC the attention they're seeking.Can you say F-A-T-W-A?
Sure you can.
charlie sheen is available for a male lead.........
In which show? The anti-Christian one or my proposed Muslim sitcom?
I can see it now..Imam Chuckie!
In one episode, a Muslim couple opens a TV station to dispel the rampant myths and stereotypes about Islam, and calls it something really nice like, "Bridge TV" because it builds bridges from the US Muslim community to the rest of the US population. But then the uppity woman starts divorce proceedings against her increasingly abusive husband. When the husband finds out, he flies into a rage and stabs her say about, oh, 50 times, and then severs her head. He stands trial for her murder and fires 3 lawyers in the process, finally representing himself. In the riveting final scene, he is sentence to 25 years to life, and is led off in handcuffs by the bailiffs as he screams, "Noooooooo, I am innocent as Allah is my witness...."
Huh, huh, whaddya think? I just made that up! I missed my calling right? I shoulda been a screen writer....
Speaking of Christian bitches, I could use one myself, a good one. I mean yeah, I'm married and just celebrated by 15th anniversary, but hey a man likes to play away once in a while.
To state the obvious, the US is in moral decline, led by TV. I mean MTV is bad enough, but the big three used to be "Wholesome," and never would have stooped to this level. I think I am a good parent, and I used to limit the crap my kids watch. Thanks to the recession, I cut the cable, so we really control what our kids watch, we have Netflix, password protected. In this I know I am relatively unique. Sometimes I fell like I am alone, screaming in the woods....
Islamic Rage Boy Sez: "Two Thumbs Up!"
Wow, this thread is almost as good as a James O'Keefe sting.
You are right on with this post... What if it were renamed, 'Good Muslim Bitches'? Would never happen, would it?
I'm going to link to your blog from mine about this issue--the proposed TV show. Your post said it better than I can. Thanks for writing about this.
It is amazing to me that I haven't heard not one outrage against the naming of this new show. I personally don't care what religion you are, there needs to be more respect for all. Give me a break folks. The comment that was made about the moral decline of our country is certainly correct and some of these comments are proof of that. WOW!
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