Since the Spendulous bill includes,what,billions of dollars for HDTV coupons, I think we can aptly call the Obama approach bread and circuses.
But it is part of a larger liberal campaign to use the recession to weaken work requirements and let millions of non-working single mothers back on the welfare rolls. Specifically, it would apparently reward states that expand their welfare caseloads--even if the increase is only the product of loosened work requirements rather than a worsening local economy.
Nothing wrong with helping states avoid anti-stimulating cuts in a recession. Nothing wrong with targeting money to the poorest, who are most likely to spend it quickly. But why use the aid specifically to encourage expansion of welfare? This isn't "welfare" as only conservative Republicans would define it--i.e. any means-tested assistance. This is welfare as everyone would define it--cash assistance to able-bodied single mothers (or fathers) who may or may not be working, as in the old, despised AFDC program. Better to use the money (and more) to create public jobs*** for these would-be recipients if private sector jobs have dried up, even if that upsets municipal employee unions (which don't want welfare recipients doing jobs their members might do). Don't revive the old AFDC principle that if you have a child, you can count on the government to take care of you with cash aid even if you don't work.
Will the Republicans in Congress make an issue out of this? They should.
"Will the Republicans in Congress make an issue out of this? They should." I agree whole heartedly. Unfortunately it seems unlikely they will. They are either to afraid of the media, the Democrats, or both. Another possibilty is they are simply waiting for the policies of Mr. Obama and the Democrats to fail and are trying to put themselves in a position to pick up the pieces. In any event, the behavior of the Republicas has been despicable to date.
The only way to solve this problem is deep cuts to Government spending along with deep tax cuts. If we did not have the amssive national debt we currently have, we might be able to afford public jobs. Unfortunately we cannot right now nor can we afford any welfare programs.
By pushing this stimulus plan Mr. Obama and the Democrats reveal themselves to either be crazy, evil, or extremely stupid. Regardless what the explanation is, this stimulus plan MUST be stopped. If it is not stopped now, perhaps the Republicans can roll back some of this back when they gain control of the House and Senate at the end of 2010. If we are fortunate, the damage done by this stimulus package will not be irreparable.
Those businesses which did not manage their business properly should be allowed to fail and those that do well should be allowed to succeed. Had the banks that have been bailed out through TARP money simply been allowed to fail other banks would have bought up what ever good assets they had and we would be on our way towards an economic recovery. As it is, by propping up failed businesses a bad situation has been made even worse.
I've heard it said when one finds themselves in a hole the first step is to stop digging. By passing another stimulu package on top of the one already passed the Obama Administration and Congress are just digging a deeper hole for us and themsleves. Kill this stimulus maddness now. STOP DIGGING!!
The only way to solve this problem is deep cuts to Government spending along with deep tax cuts.
Which would cut the reformer's own power base, which reduces their ability to call in favors and make deals, which reduces their ability to cut spending, which allows those who won't cut spending to kick them out of power.
That's a strategy for success, alright.
Unfortunately we cannot right now nor can we afford any welfare programs.
If ever welfare was "affordable" then it would become a problem.
If it is not stopped now, perhaps the Republicans can roll back some of this back when they gain control of the House and Senate at the end of 2010. If we are fortunate, the damage done by this stimulus package will not be irreparable.
The fundamental strategy calculus that lets Dems win over Republicans is not that Repubs don't have good ideas or even that Repubs are bad at communication. IT is that Dems are the party for change and progress while the Repubs stand for cutting back or maintaining the status quo by "rolling back changes".
This is not a strategy for success. To win a war, not just recover lost territory, you must go on the attack. And that can't be done simply by talking about how to "defend" against the stimulus packages.
Hi Y'all,
It's important to see Obama's entire agenda as a political attack designed to get as many voters beholden to the Dems as possible.
It's not about economics at all. As a matter of fact Obam and hisminions are doing the best they can to exacerbate the 'crisis' and scare the crap out of people so they come across as saviors.
Remember Syndrome in "The Incredibles" who launched a killer robot into the city under his remote control,so he could appear out of nowhere and 'defeat ' the robot,thus appearing as a hero?
Same thing.
Remember Syndrome in "The Incredibles" who launched a killer robot into the city under his remote control,so he could appear out of nowhere and 'defeat ' the robot,thus appearing as a hero?
Remember how Nero burned down the part of Rome where he wanted to appropriate the land in order to build monuments to his personal godhood?
David Weber, also, loves writing about villains that make up their the problems as they go, then uses the opportunity to gain political power. It was a nice primer on getting used to thinking in such a fashion.
Well Done, Ymarsakar...a much classier reference than mine!
Loosening the work requirements so more people are eligible for handouts - it's sick. This reminds me of stories that popped up last month about the government changing the name of food stamps to SNAP and actually advertising for people to be sure to apply for help if you need it. As if people need to be told to do that.
Really this is amazing. The Democratic/Obama regime is doing everything it can to buy votes for future elections. The more people they have depending on government the more political power the Democrats will have. Obama learned his political skills from crooked Chicago aldermen you can really see it now.
Rob, hey, I got to make use of this history I learned in school somehow.
Oh wait, my bad, I didn't learn that history in the public school system.
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