WM:Hideyho, primates and welcome to the Real Banana, your window into the steamy jungle of politics. This week, I have a real treat for you peeples...an exclusive interview with an old pal from the campaign trail, Senator John Edwards, who joins us now.

JE:Hello,Monkey. Haven't seen you since Iowa

WM: Yeah.seems like years ago, huh?

JE: Heh heh,yeah.... been a long campaign..

WM: Let's get right to the real poop,Senator. Those National Enquirer creeps tracked you down visiting an old pal, Rielle Hunter at an El Lay Hotel at two in the morning, you have to flee to the men's room and subsequently, you copped to an affair....

JE: Yeah, back in 2006.It was a long time ago Monkey.It's something that causes me pain to this day.

WM: I mean,the Obama camp was yakkin' about you as Veep. What happened?
I mean getting caught there at two AM??

WM: Nice one, John. Sue Kee Yung was an Obama operative, and that was what the whole thing was about in the end. I was just doing a little too well in Iowa.
JE:Yeah, there sure wasn't any love lost between you and Obama! But I always meant to ask you...
WM: No and no, John. Gruppstein is my personal assistant and I just didn't want to see the little guy end up in a science lab, so I assumed custody.
JE: Commendable of you, Monkey.
WM: Now that that sordid poop is out of the way,let's get to the real issues.John, Gruppstein wanted me to ask you...how exactly do you get your hair looking that way?
JE: Oh, it's a long process Monkey, sort of a concerted process. First off, I only shampoo my hair in mare's milk and royal jelly rather than water only. Then, twice a month I go to the salon to get that hot oil treatment, then I...wait a minute! Wasn't this supposed to be a political interview? What the...
WM: No big deal John, Gruppstein just wanted what I guess we'd call a look at the inside dope. Back to politics...now that it looks like you're out of the running, who's Obama Yo' Mama gonna pick as his running mate?
JE: First of all, Monkey, I don't think you should talk about Our Fearless Leader that way. And to answer your question,I think he's gonna pick someone who helps him politically.
WM: If you're right, the logical pick would be Hillary.
JE: Boy, you really don't mind climbing out on a limb, do you?
WM: Hey, it's what I do, John. Lookit...she's making her big speech on the same night as the VP nominee, she and Bill got all this space at the convention, and 25% of her backers haven't signed on for Obama if you believe the polls. There isn't anybody else who remotely helps Obama as much as she could on the ticket.
JE: Yee-aah, if you forget the fact that they kinda hate each other.
WM: That's for sure! If I was Obama, I'd get a food taster! Seriously, the only drawback is whether Hillary would take it. If Obama wins and gets re-elected, she can kiss the presidency good-bye. if he loses, she pops up like a bad dream in 2012.
JE: Maybe...I think Obama's more likely to pick Mark Warner or Tim Kaine to help him carry Virginia or Evan Bayh to have a shot at Indiana.
WM: I'd say Warner if any of those. Bayh doesn't have the attack dog persona and neither does Kaine. But if it ain't Hillary, I figure it's gonna be a heavyweight like Biden...for gravitas.
JE:Ahhh hah hah hah hoo hah hah!Gravitas!Monkey, you are too much!
WM: Ooo he hee hee hee hee! Yeah, hah hah hah!
Whew! You know, the funny thing is, it probably will be Biden.
WM:Ah hah ha...! Yeah...and I can already see the Rethugs rubbing their hands and getting the attack ads ready. Seriously, What's next for you , John?
JE: Well, I think I'm gonna take a little hiatus from politics, you know. I want to try and make my wife Elizabeth's last months as happy as possible and then see what the future holds for someone like me, who rose from being a coal miner's son to crusading for justice, truth and equality and rose to become a senator and almost vice president if it wasn't for John Kerry running such a crappy campaign and not appealing to the other America the way I begged him to do but he never listened to me now and I...
WM: So, it'll just be you and your millions, hmmm?
JE:It's the American way, Monkey. You work hard, get your law degree, sue the pants off the right people and you get ahead. Think of it as my own personal redistribution of the wealth plan...just a way of putting my principles into action, y'know?
WM:Yup, I get it. As a matter of fact, I think we all get it.Thanks John, for joining us on the Real Banana and sharing the secrets of your success...
JE: You're most welcome Monkey..take care now.
it's pretty much a given that, any interview, discussion, whatever, that involves monkey boy sucks.
however, as i refuse to re-read this refuse, (how's that for a play on words?) i am having difficulty determining just who soiled who in this interview.
it is becoming painfully obvious that chimpy has got something of ginormous preportions on ff, who constantly keeps defending monkey boy.
we only have four(4) more months of the current occupant of the white house, and hopefully, the same time frame for chimpy as well.
we can only hope.
Hi Louie,
Weekend Monkey continues to appear on Joshuapundit because he draws an audience with his superb political commentary (about 80 hits so far today). Sometimes, like on this particular interview,you have to read between the lines to realize just how good he is as what he does. Though I have to admit, given his personal habits and his utter fearlessness in insulting the powers that be in his own party, I'm surprised he's lasted as long as he has!
I don't have a crystal ball, but I would expect that after the election he will continue to add the unique flavor of the Real Banana to Joshuapundit unless he's in jail, dead under mysterious circumstances or in rehab again.
Hey Louie..bite the rotten banana!
It's just like my pal FF sez..I got a following! Is it my fault you're too dense to swallow my wisdom?
Instead of insulting me, you should learn from me..I OWN the political jungle, an din a more just world I'd have my own cable show..I mean, they gave one to Olbermann...
Are you trying to tell me this monkey really run for president? Why wasn't it on the news?
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