Short takes is my semi-daily way of cramming a lot into a small space for you..kind of like the young gentleman above is doing! Here's a rundown of some of today's items of interest for Joshua's Army:
*The latest on the rape of Georgia is that the Russians are are committing widespread carnage in Georgia and have advanced to within 12 miles of Tbilisi, the capitol. They've also sunk most of the Georgian navy and are continuing air bombardment.My guess is that the won't enter least not yet. Instead they'll continue to insist Saakashvili's removal as the Georgian president and install a puppet regime.
*After Bill Kristol announced on FOX that Colin Powell was to endorse Barack Obama and speak at the Democrat National Convention, all hell apparently broke loose behind the scenes and Powell's spokesmouth quickly announced it wasn't true. Knowing Bill Kristol as someone who doesn't shoot his mouth off lightly,I think what happened is that Powell was negotiating with the Obama camp to do exactly that...which might just have been why Kristol mentioned it on national TV in order to try to scuttle it.
Powell,of course is one of the Demonized Neocons held responsible by the Angry Left for Iraq. I guarantee you that it would all be forgotten and forgiven if Powell went back on the plantation and endorsed Obama.
*Max Boot urges America to Stand up to Russia.
*The FCC Commissioner is warning that return of 'Fairness Doctrine' could also control web content... consider yourselves warned.
There's a report out that U.S. refused Israel weapons the Israelis asked for to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Israel's feckless Defense Minister Ehud Barak didn't deny the report but refused to discuss it.
I'm more and more convinced that some of my notorious littel birdies are right, that the US and Iran have a basic agreement between them involving a trade of quiet and a graceful exit from Iraq,a ceiling on oil prices and an end to Iranian agitation to end the oil trade in dollars in exchange for control of Lebanon, reduced pressure on Iran's nuclear program and a guarantee that the US will not attack Iran's nuclear facilities or aid Israel in doing so. Israel, of course is the odd man out and is being sold down the river. ..and the last thing the Bush Administration appears to want is those pesky Jewish allies of ours queering the deal over something like an existential threat to their country from Ahmadinejad.
* A man was found dead in a Denver hotel room right near the site of the future Democrat National Convention with a jar of what appeared to be sodium cyanide, a well known chemical weapon. The man was identified as Saleman Abdirahman Dirie, a 29-year-old Canadian.
They're doing an autopsy, and according to the police foul play is not suspected..perhaps because Dirie died before he could carry it out?
Move along, nothing to see here..
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