Once again,it's time for a tasty slice of some of the best of the blogosphere, the Watcher's Council.
Every week, the Watcher's Council members nominate two posts each, one of their own and one from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.
As you know, our infamous leader,the Watcher of Weasels retired and is now our leader emeritus, but our brand spankin' new site is up, courtesy of our new Watcher,Terry Trippany and a full list of entries, including the non-Council ones can be found here.
And remember, Please change your bookmarks.
So..let's see what we've got this week:
1.Joshua Pundit - Biden Off More Than He Can Chew- I have to admit it..I found Barack Obama's pick of Joe Biden as a running mate absolutely delicious!If nothing else,we're in for som eabsolutely side splitting ads and gaffes.
As I demonstrate, the idea that Biden will help with foreign policy gravitas, Catholics or white blue collar voters is ludicrous,but I also analyze what the choice of Biden actually means in terms of the campaign.
2.The Glittering Eye - The 2008 Beijing Olympics- This week Dave Schuler looks at the Beijing Olympics..the real and the unreal, and draws his conclusions on whether China achieved its goals.
3.Soccer Dad - Charm city charm offensive - The Obama campaign is devoting a lot of energy towards trying to keep as much of the Jewish vote as possible this election on the Democrat plantation- the denial of the podium at the convention to ex-president and anti-Semite Jimmy Carter was one example. However, there are a number of reasons why Jews (or anyone else) who regards themselves as pro-Israel ought to be very wary of voting for Obama this November, and Soccer Dad recounts many of them here.
4.Bookworm Room - The AP shows surprising honesty when it comes to Joe Biden Ms. Bookworm likewise reflects on the choice of Joe Biden as the Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee,expressing surprise at a number of AP articles that stray off the dinosaur media plantation to create accurate profiles of the candidate
In passing, I would mention that one of the writers Ms. Bookworm cites, Ron Fournier is now being routinely referred to as a 'Republican mole' at places like HuffPost and Daily Kos, among the more polite terms used. In reality, he's been a reliably liberal political writer for the AP for over twenty years.
5.The Razor - Russia - The New Cold War Scott has an interesting post this week about the possibility of a new Cold War with Russia and the possible reasons for Russia's actions in Georgia.
6.Wolf Howling - What Does Joe Biden Offer To Obama? - GW attempts to answer the question by analyzing Biden's record with his usual detail and fine analysis.
7.Colossus of Rhodey - NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Thinks Joe Biden is ‘Not Part of Washington’ Hube takes exception to a couple of dinosaur media talking heads contention that Biden isn't part of the DC establishment.
8.Rhymes With Right - Not Every POW Supports McCain Greg found one, Phillip Butler...and proceeds to deconstruct Butler's arguments against a McCain presidency.
9.Cheat-Seeking Missiles - North Coast - Day 5: Bookworm Revealed! Laer gives us a charming bit of travelogue..enlivened with a full frontal shot of Ms. Bookworm!!
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