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Would Obama Really Fight the War in Afghanistan?
from the cnn artilcle about bin ladin,
along with some other grievances
yeah, like we're alive.
that's certainly one of the reasons the ra......, ra......., islamists did it.
So Vladimir Putin warns against an attack on Iran. First of all there is absolutely zero possibility of a US first strike on Iran. The real risk is an Iranian attack on American interests or on the American homeland. What he really needs to be doing is warning against an attack on America. This is what he would be doing if he were serious about peace.
Also, Russia recently disemboweled Georgia, a country that posed a far less threat to Russia than what Iran poses to America or Israel. By telling the Americans they cannot defend themselves Mr. Putin is acting hypocritically. while I realize he is the most powerful person on earth today, someone still should have the courage to point this out to him.
With the additional Russian arms supplies to Venezueala, Venezuela will soldify the position it already holds as the most powerful conventional military on this side of the world. Since there is no possibility of an American attack on it, this build up must be for other purposes. Perhaps to attack American interests or perhaps one day the United States itself.
Its interesting how the media constantly bemoans the NATO presence in former Soviet countries but they ignore Russia's far more massive presence in and build up of America's enemies. There is no doubt that Russian actions play a role in decisions the Americans make and vice versa. The media would have us believe that this happens in a vacum or that Russian actions are solely as a result of American "imperialism." Such small minded and hypocritical thinking by the media is unhelpful in solving real problems. They are either idiots or they are Mr. Putin's toadies. I think it is the latter.
If Aemrica is going to survive it must do a better job at getting its message accross to the world. If America's enemies are allowed to play one against zero in the information arena, this is not going to end well for the United States or any allies it may have.
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