And doing it openly...
Dozens of volunteers who are illegal aliens are canvassing neighborhoods for an organization called OneAmerica Votes in the Seattle area trying to get out the vote for Democrats like Sen. Patty Murray, who is in a neck-to-neck race with Republican Dino Rossi.
Pramila Jayapal, head of OneAmerica Votes, said "Immigrants really do matter.If we can't vote ourselves, we're gonna knock on doors, or get family members to vote."
It's likely sheer coincidence that this campaign started as soon as Obama left after appearing in Washington on behalf of Murray. Of course.
OneAmerica Votes is quite an interesting organization in itself.They're the street arm of OneAmerica, a tax exempt 501c3 funded by our old friend George Soros, and part of the same group that includes ACORN, MoveOn, America Coming Together(ACT) and the SEIU, among others. David Horowitz, the Dean of America's conservative movement aptly dubbed this group part of 'The Shadow Party', in his book of the same name.
Now officially, there's nothing legally wrong with having illegal alien volunteers canvassing door to door for votes. But it is illegal to employ illegal aliens in any capacity whatever...and if these people are receiving any sort of compensation, even if it's free meals, that is a gross violation of the law. And frankly I would be surprised if they weren't.I'd also be very surprised if they weren't taking things to the next step and actually voting, which is fairly easy in King County.
It's also illegal to aid and abet a crime. Now, Seattle is very likely a sanctuary city, which means that its police are not allowed to inquire into anyone's immigration status during the course of their duties, which means that a lot of illegal aliens arrested for crimes simply don't get deported and stick around to victimize others.
But in this situation, we have the leadership of OneAmerica Votes openly acknowledging that the organization is aware that these people are breaking US laws and still employing them, which is something very different even if they're volunteers.
But wait, there's more.
It's against the law for illegal aliens to donate to political campaigns. But campaigning door-to-door. manning phone banks and the like is what the Fair Campaign Practices Act (FCPA) calls a ‘contribution in kind’. And since these are not US citizens, it's also a ‘foreign contribution’ at that, which makes Obama's screed against the US Chamber of Commerce look even more ridiculous than it already is.
There's also the little matter of US tax laws. 501c3s are prohibited by law from campaigning on the behave of any candidates for political office, according to the Internal Revenue Service. As a matter of fact, the IRS code doesn't even allow 501c3s to lobby Congress over legislation, which is the single purpose of OneAmerica, which actively lobbies Congress to pass amnesty
Needless to say, the Obama Justice Department is not going to pop OneAmerica for any of this, and given that King County has a long history of voter fraud they will likely get away with it during this election an dit may just cost Dino Rossi his Senate seat. But when the new Republican Congress gets seated, prosecuting OneAmerica and similar groups ought to be one of their first priorities.
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