He recently attended a Labor Day weekend event to address radical Muslims and leftists at an anti-Israel rally in Washington, D.C. marking "Al Quds Day."
The event featured Hamas and Hezbollah flags, and a number of jihadists on the podium and in attendance.
The Investigative Project on Terrorism captured footage of Siddique's remarks in Washington :
He had a number of quite interesting things to say, among them:
"We must stand united to defeat, to destroy, to dismantle Israel--if possible by peaceful means," Kaukab Siddique said. "Perhaps, like Saladin, we will give them enough food and water to travel back to the lands from where they came to occupy other people."
"For the Jews, I would say see what could happen to you if the Muslims wake up," Siddique warned. "And I say to the Muslims, dear brothers and sisters, unite and rise up against this hydra-headed monster which calls itself Zionism."
"This is not a one off deal, this event Labor Day weekend," IPT Executive Director Ray Locker told CBN News. "This is something he has said at similar events over a period of at least a dozen years, as far as we can tell."
Saddique also is a Holocaust denier, according to CBN News which found e-mail exchanges posted online in which Siddique called the Holocaust "a hoax" that was "invented," saying there is "not even one document" to prove it happened. The same e-mails talk about how the Jews have "taken over America" by "devious and immoral means." So it's not just Israel he's concerned with.
And Siddique also been a frequent contributor to "The Final Call", the official organ of Louis Farrakhan's Nation Of Islam, just to round out his anti-Semitic bonifides.
So...what do you think Lincoln University's response was when they were confronted with all of this recently?
The school's executive vice president, Michael Hill, told us they in no way agree with or support Siddique's comments on Jews and Israel. But - Siddique is tenured, he has freedom of speech, and Hill claims the school can't control what he does or says as a private citizen.
Or can they? Every tenure agreement I've ever seen has a provision for firing a professor for cause - incompetence, dishonesty, fraud, insubordination, or conduct unbecoming a professor that brings disrepute on the university involved. Does calling for the ethnic cleansing and murder of Jews not qualify?
Lincoln University is the nation's oldest historically African-American college. Would they have the same tolerance if Siddique appeared at an Aryan brotherhood rally?
Somehow I doubt it.
Interested parties wishing to discuss this civilly with the college's leadership can contact them here:
Office of the President
Dr. Ivory V. Nelson
1570 Baltimore Pike
P.O. Box 179
Lincoln University, PA 19352-0999
Dr. Grant Venerable - VP Student Affairs
1570 Baltimore Pike, P.O. Box 179, Lincoln University, PA 19352-0999

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