Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Live Blogging Continues...9:12PM

WM: Updates, Rob?

RM: Yeah,Patty Murray has pulled back ahead in Washington over Dino Rossi. She's up by not quite 30,000 votes with 56% of the vote counted.

WM: That's gonna be a real branch hanger. All depends on whether King County'd been counted yet.

RM: You got that right. Also, Sharron Angle is down by about 28,000 votes Nevada with about 11.6% of the votes counted. Early days, but worrisome.

WM: Looky Pal, yesterday and today Harry Reid brought in a small army of union guys and Democratic operatives to get the vote out and fix what needs fixing, y'know? And may I remind you that Nevada has a Democrat as its Secretary of State? Politics, baby - the art of the possible.

RM: We'll see. On the positive side, Allen West in FL22 was one of the 42 seats the GOP picked up so far.

WM: Yeah , you been shilling for him for quite awhile.

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louielouie said...

it's amusing that in illinois, kirk carried every county but cook.
and in cook, G. beat him by exactly a 2:1 margin.
kawinkeedink, 'ya think?
not even all them dead people could do anything about that.

louielouie said...

damn, fox is showing nevada to reid.
i wonder how west will fit in with the CBC?

louielouie said...

fox just showed the house going 223 for the repubs.
now it's just how much can they pour it on.