There are a number of conflicting reports on whether Israeli PM Netanyahu has agreed to extend the Israeli building freeze another 60 days at Obama's request, in exchange for a number of US security guarantees and some sophisticated military toys.
I first outlined the Obama Administration's opening gambit here.
According to the London-based Arab newspaper Asharq al-Awsat, unnamed 'Israeli sources' were quoted as saying earlier today that the PM had agreed to extend Israel's freeze on settlement construction by 60 days.
Since Netanyahu rejected Obama's original insulting proposal, I have my doubts - unless Obama significantly upped his offer.
It would have to be a significant upgrade.Public opinion in the Israeli public and in Netanyahu's coalition are solidly against extending the freeze.
The only thing I can think of which might prompt the Israelis to go along would be a clandestine guarantee of US assistance in taking out Iran's nukes - and I don't see Obama offering that.
For Bibi's part, he's only saying publicly Israel is "in the midst of sensitive diplomatic contacts with the U.S. administration in order to find a solution that will allow the continuation of the talks."
"We will quietly consider the situation and the complex reality away from the spotlights," the premier said, advising fellow cabinet members to be "patient, act responsibly, calmly and - above all - quietly. This is exactly what we must do."
Netanyahu also reiterated his commitment to the peace talks, saying that Israel had fully "lived up to our commitment, a difficult commitment that we took upon ourselves."
All I can add at this point is that if I were Netanyahu, I wouldn't trust any of Obama's guarantees, even if they were formally written up. And in any event,there's no need for Israel to endorse apartheid and segregation applied to Jews only.
We'll see what develops.
Bibi is going to do what he needs to do to coddle and play this anti-semite in the oval office. Once there is a republican congress pressure can be put on Prez Zero, until then, its musical chairs.
I certainly hope Israel did not agree to an extension of the settlement freeze. If they did, they cut the legs out from under their allies here in America and perhaps elsewhere around the world. If a soverign nation and an ally wants to extend a settlement freeze who are we to question them?
As to any agreements with the US, ordinally the media shines a bright spot light on American activities. As such, it would be virtually impossible for America to violate any agreements it makes with a foreign nation. In contrast, the other party, in these cases the other nations, do not face this kind of scrutiny and are therefore able to violate any agreements they make with America with absolute impunity while the Americans cannot.
Unfortunately for Israel this normal set of circumstances does not apply. Generally the media, at best, holds Israel in disdain and at worst they wish to see Israel eliminated. As such, I don't think we can rely on media scrutiny to ensure American compliance with any agreement. In contrast, the huge media spotlight that would ordinarily be on America will now be focused on Israel. Given this situation, Israel will be forced to comply wiht the terms of any agreements it makes while the US will be able to violate the terms of agreement with impunity as long as violation of the agreements undermines Israeli interests.
Even if Israel gets security guarantees from America or "sophisticated military toys" this is worthless to Israel. The American economy is in the toilet and the national debt is massive. As such, America cannot afford to extend security guarantees to any one right now. Also, the American military is worn down to the point of breaking due to continuing operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, elsewhere. America has neither the man power nor the money to extend security guarantees to Israel or anyone else for the matter. Furthermore the American people aren't going to tolerate yet another military engagement right now.
As to the "sophisticated military toys" America does not have any thing in its military arsenal that will match up well agianst the Russian and Chinese weapons that the Israelis would be facing off against in any conflict with Iran. As such, these weapons really have no value to the Israelis UNLESS the Israelis can modify them and make them superior to what they currently are. As I udnerstand it, Israel has a long successful history of doing this sort of thing. As I recall, the late General Tal took tanks supplied by others and modified them to make superior weapons.
As I've stated before, I am at a loss as to why America, with all the problems it is currently facing, is focusing time and energy on a "peace process" involving combatants who are literally a world away when it has absolutely no control over how any of the actors in this conflict are going to act at any given time.
Essentially it does little good to waste valuable energy and resources to try and solve a problem that one doesn't have any control over. The best thing for one to do in this situation would be to extricate themselves from that situation as quickly as they can!! I'm absoultely flabergasted by the stupidity of this government!! I'd be equally dumbfounded by the actions of the Israeli government if they actually agreed to yet another settlement freeze.
As you say, we'll see what develops.
as much as i hope you are correct about the congress, i believe that will cause the current occupant of the white house to drop all pretense of his true feelings for the joos. i believe the damage he would do under the table/behind the scenes would be devastating to israel.
of course that would mean his approval rating with the jooish community in the US would be about 108%.
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