One of yesterday's funny political stories involved Obama screwing over a RINO who voted with him, Anh "Joseph" Cao in Louisiana's 2nd district, which encompasses much of New Orleans. Obama repaid Cao by making a video endorsing Cao's opponent, Democrat Cedric Richmond, who just happens to be black.
Today, Cao released a statement announcing how upset he is about the whole thing.
"He didn't even have the courtesy (to call us)" before running the ad, Cao spokesman Devin Johnson told FoxNews.com. "That hurt the congressman. At least, he wanted that courtesy."
To add to the fun, Cao whined that there has to be an explanation -- Obama surely must not have known about Richmond's ethical problems!
"I believe that has happened in the congressional race for District 2 here in Louisiana," Cao said in a written statement. "No one apparently told the president that Cedric Richmond had his law license suspended for lying to the voters; that he has been the subject of two ethics violations while a legislator."
According to his spokesman, Cao has been trying unsuccessfully to reach Obama for weeks to discuss the race and Richmond's history.
"I just can't understand it...he doesn't call, he doesn't write. At least I'm not pregnant."
(via memeorandum)
What a loser. To really think that Obama would support a Rep over a dem anyday is stupid. On the other hand that Obama is lending help to someone who is ethically challenged (isn't he the Pres that worked for ACORN, friended Ayers, Wright, Khalidi and probably Farrakhan), lying to voters, is actually up his alley since lying, scheming and downright insult is what Obama does.
"No one apparently told the president that Cedric Richmond had his law license suspended for lying to the voters; that he has been the subject of two ethics violations while a legislator."
For Obama that's a feature not a bug.
Didn't he know that under Obama Black trumps Asian? Those who live by the racist sword die by the racist sword.
Ethics violations? Suspended Law license? I'm surprised Obama didn't make him czar of something..
RINO acutally means main stream Republican. I really don't get what Republicans get out of being whipped around by Democrats. Perhaps they are masochistic or something.
What I really like about the tea party movement is not so much that they have all of the right answers to America's problems. They clearly don't, however, I do sense in them a certain seriousness about actually trying to address the issues faced by every day Americans that is lacking among main stream Republicans and Democrats.
He looks like he could have been easy prey for one of those religious cults from the 1970s, eg, the Hare Krishnas, with that degree of credulity & gullibility. Do you recall the gauntlets of Hare Krishnas which you had to wade your way through at the airports during the 1970s ? And to think that we thought we had it bad then !
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