In a major development, the High Court of Eastern Denmark delivered a ‘guilty’ verdict on Tuesday to all nine defendants in the most far-reaching honor killing ever tried in Europe.
For those who don't know, an `honor killing' is the Religion of Peace officially Qu'ran sanctioned way of dealing with uppity females who don't toe the line and kowtow to their male superiors.
Ghazala Khan’s brother shot her dead in the streets in September 2005, outside Slagelse train station, west of Copenhagen. This was the ninth honor killing known to have taken place in Denmark over the last decade. You can bet there have been others, before people started taking notice.
The victim’s husband, whom she had secretly wed, almost died in the attack,
which was carried out in the belief that her marriage had `tarnished the family’s honor' partly because the victim refused to go along with an arranged marriage.
As well as the brother who actually fired the lethal shots, the court found Ghazala’s father and seven others guilty of conspiracy in theo murder the young Pakistani woman and her husband. Jurors found that a group of uncles, aunts and acquaintances apparently plotted to lure the couple to the train station where the brother waited in ambush.
The verdict is considered a landmark finding, since not only the brother who fired the gun that killed Ghazala Khan was found guilty, but the entire family. This is the first time accomplices have been found guilty in an honor killing.
hat tip to Charles at lgf
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