British MP and Ex Foreign Secretary Jack Straw is known for his appeasement of Islam and his routine denunciations of Israel to satisfy the Muslim electorate (30% and climbing) in his Blackburn district. Apparently, he didn't bend over far enough this time.
This stoo-pid dhimmi had the nerve to demur on the charming Islamic custom of the Femme-mask and has literally caught hell for it.
All Straw actually did was to say that, while the hijab, or hair cover was fine with him, the wearing of full face veils made community relations more difficult because they acted as "a visible statement of separation and difference".
He also said that he usually asked Muslim women meeting with him to remove the veil because he felt 'uncomfortable about talking with someone whose face you cannot see.'
"I'm not talking about being prescriptive," Straw, a former foreign secretary, told BBC radio. "But with all the caveats, yes I would rather (women did not wear full veils)."
Of course, British Muslims are outraged.
"In the last few months, the discourse has changed and it became an open season to demonize Islam," said Ahmed J. Versi, editor of The Muslim News.
The Lancashire Council of Mosques said Straw's remarks were "ill-judged and misconceived".
The Muslim community does not need lessons in dress from Jack Straw,” said Nazreen Nawaz, of the Hizb ut-Tahrir organisation. "He has once again shown that for Cabinet ministers it is open season on Muslims and Islam."
Sheikh Ibrahim Nogra, of the Muslim Council of Britain, said: “On the one hand he says this is a free country. On the other, he is denying that free choice to a woman who chooses to wear the veil. "Does Straw mean that people should give up certain cultural and religious customs and practices simply because a vast majority of the country do not share them ?
"That is calling for assimilation. That is saying that one culture or one way of life is superior to another. If we are truly multicultural, we have to accept that there will be women who want to dress in this way."
Ba-ad dhimmi! BAD,BAD DHIMMI!!
Of course, Sheik Nogra's remarks do give a bit of food for thought. All people are worthy of equal respect..all cultures are definately not, in my view.
Muslims living in the west by and large fled their thoroughly failed societies to glom onto the benefits of living in places like Britain. If some of them feel it's too much to ask that they assimilate into the cultural norms of those societies in exchange, there's nothing stopping them from hopping a plane back to Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, where their cultural peculiarities would be more appreciated.
If you think that's overly harsh, try starting a church in Riyadh, or walking around with a miniskirt or an openly displayed Jewish star around your neck in Lahore or Dubai and watch what happens.
1 comment:
from the essay:
"He has once again shown that for Cabinet ministers it is open season on Muslims and Islam."
not quite.
we haven't started playing cowboys and muslims yet.
as for calling it the "full veil", would that lead to the full monty??
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