Council News: There is an open seat on the Watcher's Council, and if you feel you measure up, you can apply to the Watcher here.
Thanks and a hat tip, y'all..
I'm once again gratified and honored to note that for the third week in a row, my fellow Council members chose to distinguish my humble efforts. Especially since there were some killer posts this week, to say the least.
This week's winner is:
J O S H U A P U N D I T: A cure for `anti-Zionism' in which I examine `anti-Zionism'...or, as we used to call it before it took on such a politically correct mask, Jew hatred.
I look at the reasons this kind of blatant racism continues to be so pervasive and even acceptable in some quarters, and reveal what I think is the cure for the disease.
And it's a cure that can apply to America hatred as well, even (or especially) as demonstrated by some of our fellow citizens.
In second place was Done With Mirrors: No friend left behind (update) a fine post by Callimachus in which he applauds action by Congress to give visas to some of the many Iraqi and Afghan interpreters who have helped US forces and who's lives might be in danger after we leave.
For non-Council, I'm pleased to see another Council alumnus take the prize, Dr. Sanity: STICKING TO WHAT I KNOW BEST The title of Dr. Pat's post came from an e-mail from a Muslim criticizing her examination of the misogyny inherent in Muslim culture in a previous article: `Just stick to what you know best. i.e cooking an cleaning.' ( sic)
Interesting advice for a trained and highly experienced MD and Psychiatrist!
Dr. Sanity expands on the theme in a superb post that examines the psychosexual nature of Islam and Muslim culture in fine detail. One thing she didn't mention,but I will..the key to understanding that psychosexual nature and the repression of women and female sexuality in Islam lies in the biography of Mohammed, a young but impoverished and uneducated man of 25 who married a wealthy 40 year old widow who undoubtedly made sure Mohammed knew who was paying the bills and wearing the pants during their 25 year marriage until she died, when Mohammed was 50.
Connect the dots.
In second place for non-Council was Kobayashi Maru: From the Mouths of Babes: Climate Analysis That Actually Works a fine post that uses the example of a young 15 year old high school science student's use of data that put much more experienced `climate experts' at the UN's IPCC to shame.
Hearty Kudos to all the winners!
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