Friday, May 11, 2007

Christopher Hitchens: `Londonistan Calling'

In Christopher Hitchens' new piece in Vanity Fair `Londonistan Calling', Hitch examines his old neighborhood of Finsbury Park, then and now, and has some telling things to say about the Islamist threat in London...

"It's impossible to exaggerate how far and how fast this situation has deteriorated. Even at the time of the Satanic Verses affair, as long ago as 1989, Muslim demonstrations may have demanded Rushdie's death, but they did so, if you like, peacefully. And they confined their lurid rhetorical attacks to Muslims who had become apostate. But at least since the time of the Danish-cartoon furor, threats have been made against non-Muslims as well as ex-Muslims (see photograph), the killing of Shiite Muslim heretics has been applauded and justified, and the general resort to indiscriminate violence has been rationalized in the name of god.

Traditional Islamic law says that Muslims who live in non-Muslim societies must obey the law of the majority. But this does not restrain those who now believe that they can proselytize Islam by force, and need not obey kuffar law in the meantime. I find myself haunted by a challenge that was offered on the BBC by a Muslim activist named Anjem Choudary: a man who has praised the 9/11 murders as "magnificent" and proclaimed that "Britain belongs to Allah." When asked if he might prefer to move to a country which practices Shari'a, he replied: "Who says you own Britain anyway?" A question that will have to be answered one way or another."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny how the msm very rarely shows us these signs that are displayed by the Muslims at rallies. Gee I wonder why that is? I think it is because if people saw these signs regularly they would understand we are at war. An aggressive response to Islamic terrorism simply is not part of the agenda for the msm.